Last Word Archive . All Saints (2017) Movie Rating. However, we are very fortunate to have the bounty of materials that exists in Earth's crust, and our civilisation would not have developed without them. What are the odds of another planet being similarly equipped?

It would need to have had a similar geological history to Earth's. Is this likely? In other words, do they recognise that their human can or can't hear them, and behave accordingly?

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They said it would take approximately 2 minutes, so how much energy would they have needed to obliterate our planet? Would kicking the planet out of its orbit have been more energy efficient than simple destruction? Do we also hasten dehydration by making our bodies sweat more, to replace what we've wiped away?

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In other words, should we just leave the sweat to do its job? But why do humans have a physiological response to pollen and dust? I can't see any benefit to suffering from sore eyes, a scratchy throat and nasal congestion. So why does it occur? How much would the values of 0? What caused this?

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